Drunken husband messaging to his wife

Husband SMS to wife

Husband SMSs to wife: You are my darling; you are my soul, thank you for making my life wonderful and being part of my life. Whatever I am today is only because of you. You are my angel!

Wife replies: Are you done with drinking? Now stop messaging, shut your mouth and come home. Don’t be scared, I will not screw you. Just come home…

Husband: Thank you, I am outside. Please open the door…

In most of the households, this is the situation if not the conversation.

Physical relationship with wife

Physical relationship with wife – an argument

A lawyer in a court argued that if physical relationship with wife without her consent is termed as rape, then shopping with husband’s money without his consent should be termed as robbery.

Imagine the Judge’s position

That was a nice joke. Well, if the husband lodges a complaint against his wife for shopping with his money without his consent, the judge can think about it.

I want a British girl

Her husband wouldn’t have expected this

Wife: I am going to London, do you want any gift?
Husband: Yeah, a British Girl
Wife: Ok, sure
Wife returns after some days
Husband: Where’s the gift?
Wife: Wait for 9 months!

Hope you got this joke, a humor, or whatever you think.

The husband thought his wife would bring a nice British girl but she planned for a nice British baby.

The Japanese sex humor

The Japanese sex humor – Sex Argument

I read the entire argument but the last line opened my mind. You start from the beginning. This is a bedroom story, you may be required to be 18 and above in your country to read this.

Japanese couple in an argument over ways of highly erotic sex

Husband: Sukitaki
Wife replies: Kowanin!!

Husband: Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo!
Wife: on her knees literally begging: mimi nakoundinda tinkouji!

Husband: replies angrily, Na miaou kina tim kouji!

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